カテゴリー別アーカイブ: お知らせ


New members joined our laboratory!

Dr. Nishisue and 3rd year students, namely Ms. Sumika Akahane, Mr. Taichi Iwama, and Mr. Kou Ogawa have joined our lab.

Welcome to our lab!!!

Welcome to our lab!!!

New publication!!!

Thanks to Ana and other colleagues in Estonia and Spain, our joint paper has been accepted in Ecological Informatics.  Advanced sensing methods can contribute to a deeper understanding of species’ ecology and their response to environmental conditions such as hydrodynamics in rivers and streams. We will continue this collaboration (and be more active) specifically in the field of ecohydraulics.

Garcia-Vega, A., Fuentes-Perez, J.F., Fukuda, S., Kruusmaa, M., Sanz-Ronda, F.J., Tuhtan, J.A., Artificial lateral line for aquatic habitat modelling: An example for Lefua echigonia,
Ecological Informatics, 2021.

MSc defence by Mr. Grant Thompson

Grant successfully presented his research achievement as his MSc thesis entitled “Barrier-Driven Morphological Differentiation of Rhinogobius nagoyae in Kanagawa and Chiba Prefectures, Japan”. It should have been difficult for him to complete his research due to COVID-19. Although it is not directly related to his thesis, it was great that he joined our team and surveys in Vietnam and Ishigaki Island!!!  

Ohira and Fukuda (2018) in Paddy and Water Environment

Our paper from the surveys in Fuchu Yosui Irrigation System has been published in Paddy and Water Environment.

Ohira and Fukuda (2018) Flow regime shapes seasonal patterns of fish species richness and abundance in main and branch channels of a rice irrigation system. Paddy and Water Environment. DOI: 10.1007/s10333-018-0669-4



Announcement: guidance for entering the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Agriculture, TUAT



日時:平成29年7月7日(金) 午後1時から午後2時まで


[ISE2018] Website open!!!


One of my main international conference, 12th International Conference on Ecohydraulics will be held in Tokyo (August 19-24, 2018).  This symposium is a joint symposium convened by the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) and International Society for River Science (ISRS).  As a local organizing committee member, we are making our best effort to make this conference attractive and fruitful. 

Irrigation has started!!!

Irrigation has started in Fuchu Yosui on May 18.  This water may bring many fish and other organisms, hopefully except invasive, alien species.

s-IMG_4626 (2) An upstream reach

s-IMG_4628 (2) One of temporary dried reaches

s-IMG_4623 (2) One of temporary stagnant reaches

s-IMG_4621 (2) After some construction work (?)

s-IMG_4617 (2) One of temporary dried reaches

5th MT Colloquium

Together with Prof. Shibusawa’s Lab., we organized the following seminar. 

5th MT Colloquium: Hot topics in environmental and agricultural engineering in Latin America
Time: February 18, 2015 (Wed.) 3PM-5PM
Place: Lecture Bld. 2, Room 22
1. 15:00-15:40
Juan Daniel Fagoaga Cruz (Chapingo Autonomus University)
University Presentation, Precision Agriculture and Soil Sensing, Graduation Thesis
2. 15:40-16:20
Guilherme Oguri (Sao Paulo State University)
Forest Biomass Harvesting Project
3. 16:20-17:00
Giulia Lembo Caterina (Sao Paulo State University)
Modeling Juniperus viriginana water use and rainfall interception with Random Forests

Each talk was very much interesting and we had intensive discussions during and after the seminar.  Giulia reported her results with Random Forests.  

s-IMG_2506 (2)

 Thank you very much for all the participants!!!

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