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5th MT Colloquium

Together with Prof. Shibusawa’s Lab., we organized the following seminar. 

5th MT Colloquium: Hot topics in environmental and agricultural engineering in Latin America
Time: February 18, 2015 (Wed.) 3PM-5PM
Place: Lecture Bld. 2, Room 22
1. 15:00-15:40
Juan Daniel Fagoaga Cruz (Chapingo Autonomus University)
University Presentation, Precision Agriculture and Soil Sensing, Graduation Thesis
2. 15:40-16:20
Guilherme Oguri (Sao Paulo State University)
Forest Biomass Harvesting Project
3. 16:20-17:00
Giulia Lembo Caterina (Sao Paulo State University)
Modeling Juniperus viriginana water use and rainfall interception with Random Forests

Each talk was very much interesting and we had intensive discussions during and after the seminar.  Giulia reported her results with Random Forests.  

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 Thank you very much for all the participants!!!

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